Diana Miller Case Summary

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Diana Miller is a 25 year old woman who has been suffering from Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). She has experience stressful and traumatic events in her life, such as her sister’s death, and the separation and reconciliation of her parent’s relationship. After the death of her sister, she developed frequent mood swings, depression and became rebellious. She entered high school soon after, and began to socialize with a negative crowd, who exposed her to harmful substances (marijuana and hallucinogens). At the age of 17, Diana first attempted suicide by cutting her wrists. Soon after she was hospitalized and referred to therapist, seeking treatment twice a week. The treatment failed to improve Diana’s…show more content…
She reported to be deeply concerned with her weight and thus has been monitoring her caloric intake. Although this behavior may seem common among women who are concerned about their body and health, Disco Di, on the other hand, has become preoccupied with repetitive thoughts and impulses regarding her caloric intake. In order to reduce her impulsive thinking and anxiety, she engages in compulsive behavior. She requests that her foods be cut into particular shapes and placed on her plate in a particular manner. Such behaviors mark the onset of OCD. For those suffering from symptoms of OCD, may display ritualistic behaviors that share comorbid with an eating disorder. In attempts to reduce obsessional anxiety associated with caloric restriction, individuals display ritualistic behaviors, and when such compulsions are not preformed, tantrums and violent outbursts may occur. Indeed, in a recent study by Futh, Simonds & Micali, investigating parental distress and accommodation with children diagnosed with OCD, they asked 71 parents to respond to a questionnaire and write briefly about their experience with an OCD child. The results of the study indicated that 35% of parents refrained from preventing their child’s OCD rituals, where many other parents expressed fear of aggressive outburst from their child if they did not accommodate their child’s obsessive behavior…show more content…
Various factors may place individuals at risk of developing MDD such as a genetic predisposition, traumatic experience, and one’s social environment. In order to diagnosis this disorder, a therapist must assess a range of determinants that may influence a patient’s symptoms, thus influencing their diagnosis. With the growth in population and diversity, the general symptomatology primarily centered around whites may not be sufficient to address the mental health needs of those with diverse backgrounds. For example, Bailey et al. demonstrated that within the Africian-Americian population there is a negative stigma associated with individuals suffering from some type of mental disorder, such as MDD. The authors state that Africian-Americans are far more likely to be misdiagnosed, as they present somatic symptoms, such as greater sleep disturbance, appetite weight loss, and hypochondria than whites. A possible cause for their misdiagnosis, is the cultural differences associated with how their symptoms are presented. For example Africian Amercians have a negative connotation associated with symptoms of MDD, as such feelings and behaviors are seen as a personal weakness (quote). Male and females tend to have different onsets and diagnosis regarding MDD, which may be influenced by one’s perception of lack of control. There is a stereotype associated masculinity (Sterotype is social

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