Jellyfish Structure

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Jellyfish Jellyfish belong to the Cnidaria phyla that consist of aquatic species (marine life). Its given scientific name is “Medusozoa (medusae)”; of which they are classified as zooplankton due to their structure being on the smaller scale of the kingdom Animalia. In terms of; structural feeding developments (morphology), prenatal developments (embryology), overall function (physiology) as well as adaptation, medusae have evolved within the millions of years. Since medusae are an aquatic species, they do have issues of interaction within the vast waters. These concerns are targeted toward their efficiency of movement in order to: “…capture food, avoid being eaten and reproduce for survival.” (Collin and Costello, 2006). Due to advancements…show more content…
Due to gene mutation and evolution, medusae hold different “…densities of nematocysts (stinging cells)…” (Collin and Costello, 2006). The beliefs of tentacle morphology are yet to be specified, however, there are theories of adaptation that involve the specific position of tentacles in order to increase the number of food consumption as well as “…the ability of the jelly to capture and retain different types of food” (Collin and Costello, 2006) in addition to immobilizing predators with their nematocysts. A noticeable variety of morphology is shown in the guts of medusae as well. This may not be considered a structural ‘feeding strategy’ however; “…gut capacity and digestive times are primary determinants of feeding rates in different food environments” (Collin and Costello,…show more content…
Each tentacle, as mentioned previously, is protected by stinging cells that carry a unique type of venom only found in cnidarian; this venom is lethal toward other animals. The venomous cells are used for prey or as defense mechanisms. Jellyfish lack in essential sensory organs and a brain, their nervous system allows “them to perceive stimuli, such as light and odour and enable them to respond quickly” (, 2005). These creatures use their fluidity in order to create a strong current that pulls prey within their reach; this is done by the contraction and relaxation of their bell-shaped body. The lower half of the body is triggered upon contact by rapidly unwinding and launching toward the stimuli injecting its toxin, instantly paralyzing/killing the animal. Compared to other marine life (e.g. – crayfish, sharks, octopi etc.) jellyfish do not have the outer layer of camouflage, intimidation in terms of size, or ink inhibitors; they lie solely on their tentacles and bell-like shape for survival. This type of adaption (medusae structure) allows the jellyfish to not only live in water/deep seas but to, swim freely manipulating the current for predatorial purposes. Their translucency does, however, provide a type of cloak in order to perceive small fish. They may not have fins or sharp teeth nevertheless they are lethal to the

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