Marie's Case Study Narrative Therapy

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Upon reviewing Marie’s case study, I have identified that her main areas of trouble are her experiences of anxiety and uncontrollable anger as well as extreme guilt, which have led Marie to self-destructive behaviors. Marie reported that she began experiencing the anger and anxiety when she learned of her parents’ divorce. The self-destructive behavior however does not appear to be caused by her parents’ divorce as Marie reported she has used this as a form of coping when she is feeling guilt. I believe the primary issue for Marie is coping with her parents’ divorce. Marie appears to be trying to uphold being what she describes as a “good daughter” by not taking one parent’s side over the other, by being a confidant to her mother and by generally hiding her distress…show more content…
A study conducted by Vromans & Schweitzer (2011) found that after eight sessions of narrative therapy, close to 75% of the clients found improvement in their symptoms related to depression. These gains were shown to be similar to those found in studies of CBT on depression. Additionally, Vromans & Schweitzer (2011) cite studies by Betchley & Falconer (2002) and Drauker (1998) that lend support that narrative therapy is effective for other treating other disorders. The narrative approach focuses on the individual and assumes that the person possess the ability to change his/her life. Narrative therapy also assumes that the individual is separate from his/her problems and that through restructuring the dominant negative stories or narratives and reinforcing the positive narratives. Narrative therapy also places a strong emphasis on the sociocultural and political context of the narrative as these contexts can serve as the framework for the problems the individual is struggling with (Payne, 2006). In Marie’s case, I believe this form of therapy may help her to step outside of her situation and provide insight

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