Service Quality Literature Review

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CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction Relevant theory concerned to the topic is discussed herewith. It will be discussed under areas of service quality, customer expectation and perceptions, perceived service quality, other service quality models available and case studies from similar industries. Reviewing these literatures will enable to understand the chosen topic more clearly and to provide answers to the research questions. 2.1 Service quality Service quality is an old concept. It originally surfaced in the late 1980s, grew in the 1990s, and improved further in the 21st Century. However, measuring and managing service quality from the consumer’s point of view is still rather a difficult task because…show more content…
Zeithamal and Bitner in (2003) and Bitner and Hubert in (1993) define quality as, a comparison of what the customers feel a service provider should offer (expectations). Oliver (1993) and Bitner (1995) state that service quality perceived by customers, is the difference between customers’ perceptions and expectations of service quality. In marketing literature, Parasuraman, Zeithamal and Berry (1985) identify service quality as the extent to which a service meets or exceeds the expectations of customers. Antony, Antony andG hosh (2004) refer to service quality as the concept of meeting and exceeding the expectations of customers and if these expectations are not exceeded, then service can be seen as ordinary or…show more content…
Gronroos stated that there are two dimensions for service quality, which are technical or outcome and functional or process related. This model compares perceived performance and expected service. However, Gronroos’s model was generic and did not offer any technique on measuring technical and functional quality. Rust and Oliver in 1994 tried to refine the Nordic model by the Three-Component model. Suggested three components are: service product (i.e., technical quality), service delivery (i.e., functional quality), and service environment. This extended model was also not tested and little support was found (Rohaizat, et al,

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