The Importance Of Work In My Life

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Everyone has their own challenge, unfortunately my challenge was working at a very young age and managing my time with school. I started working at the age of 16 as a part-time in construction with my father and I would get paid under the table.The days I would work were the weekends since I went to school during the weekdays. I didn't want to work, but as an only child, I was given the responsibility to help out my parent when they were going through an economic situation. For this I had to sacrifice my childhood and become an adult at an early age, since I was given the responsibility of one. Sometimes I would only sleep four hours on a school night and this would affect me in school by making it really hard for me to concentrate. After the age of 17 I got hired at…show more content…
We also stay and interact with the children and do activities for them. Their situations and stories overwhelm me, but at the same time it inspires me because these young women don't quit and have demonstrated with a little hard work and dedication anything can be possible. I've also volunteered at my local church feeding the homeless. Once a month our youth group would go to a facility and prepare the food for the ones in need. After we finish serving each and every person we sit down and eat with them and talk to them about the word of god. I've also joined the Police Explorers, we do interact a lot with our community from organizing big events like parades and festivals within the community to small checkpoints to keep our community safe from drunk drivers .At the end of the day I don’t see my challenges and obstacles in a negative way, but see it as a way of life testing me. I don't regret what I've been through and I also don't regret the decisions that I have made because my mistakes and experiences makes me a stronger person. What I have learned throughout my experience is that I have a passion for giving back to the community because I know I'm leaving a positive

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