Boehm Quality Model

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In this research paper, survey of different quality costing techniques is discussed and reports are published for better understanding of cost of quality methods. CoQ analysis links upgrading activities with related costs and customer expectations, and is considered as the combination of decreased costs and increased benefits for quality improvement. Therefore, an accurate estimate of CoQ must be considered as an important part of any quality initiative, and should be a critical issue for any manager. Different reviews on quality-cost literature have been conducted. Plunkett and Dale (1987) have concise available information on the calculation, collection and uses of quality associated costs. The main focus of their literature review is on…show more content…
Also compare the following models on the basis of Quality Attributes which they use to evaluate quality. • BOEHM’s Model • DROMEY’s Model • CISQ's quality model Boehm’s Quality model (1978) The model presented by Boehm defines the quality of software by predefined set of attributes and metrics. Boehm quality model consists of three models • High-level (Primary characteristics), • Intermediate-level, • Lower-level (primitive characteristics). The quality attributes on Boehm quality standards focuses on portability, reliability, efficiency, human engineering, testability, understandability, and modifiability. Figure 1 Boehm Quality Model Dromey’s Quality model (1995) It presents four quality categories where each category consists of quality attributes. The four categories are • Correctness, • Internal, • Contextual, • Descriptive. Figure 2 Dromey's Quality Model Consortium For It Software Quality…show more content…
CISQ provides some extra features than other models such as security, integrity and modularity. Q: 3 Mention the Quality Attribute list used by IBM to evaluate the quality of their products? Quality attributes are non-functional requirements, used for evaluating the performance of system. Different organizations have chosen and modified current quality attributes to define quality for their companies, keeping in mind their particular business and market state. Companies use different parameters of customer satisfaction. For IBM, the customer satisfaction is measured by CUPRIMDSO and for Hewlett-Packard (HP), FURPS is used. CUPRIMDSO includes capability/functionality, usability, performance, reliability, installability, maintainability, documentation, service/availability and overall satisfaction whereas FURPS includes functionality, usability, reliability, performance and service. Functionality Functionality is ability to do work for which it is planned. Usability The extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of

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