Literature Review On Customer Satisfaction

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Chapter 2 Review of Literature 2.0 Overview In this chapter is focus on conversation the literature review and summary of the independent variable and dependence variable. In order to come out with new idea has been studied, need to understand and classify the current trends and relationship between each variable. Next step, independents and dependent variables based on recent literature were demarcated. This part is a literature review to analyse the serious points of recent knowledge including fundamental finding and summarize the finding. This literature reviews is also called as secondary sources because it only recording the study done by previous research and do not reveal any new research information or knowledge. 2.1 Dependence Variable…show more content…
Customer who are satisfied are said to be loyal. To ensure a consistent cash-flow for the business in the future, customer must be satisfied. Moreover, customer who are satisfied willing to spend more on the product they have tried and will be characterized as customer that are less sensitive in price. Researches suggest that there have a significant relationship between customer satisfaction and economic performance in general (Fornell et al., 2006). By providing customers the value band satisfaction, it will in make a long-term success for the business (Lee et al., 2004). Research has prove that the customer that highly satisfied is six times more likely to re-purchase than a customer who is merely satisfied (Jones and Sasser, 1995). It can help reduce customer turnover rate and thereby increasing profitability by building strong relationships with customer (Reicheld and Sasser,…show more content…
The area of growing interest to researcher and manager come from the satisfaction of banking services. There are various investigations supporting and strengthening that consumer satisfaction is connected with performance of the banks (Jham and Khan, 2008). Financial advancement and deregulation has expanded the competition among banks to attract customer. Each banker tries to give better services than keep the satisfaction of their clients. The development popularity in the banking products increase rivalry among banks. Banks need to face various difficulties in the current age. Right off the bat, they are rivaling with their peers and besides they need to adapt to the traditional banks. Satisfied customer are the resources of for any organization to guarantee long haul gainfulness even in the period of awesome rivalry. It is discovered that satisfies client rehash his/her experience to purchase the items and furthermore makes new clients by correspondence of positive message about it to others (Dispensa, 1997). On the other hand, disappointed customer may change to elective items/benefits and impart negative message to others. Along these lines, organizations must guarantee the consumer satisfaction with respect to their products/services (Gulledge,

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