Literature Review On Service Quality

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Service quality and customer satisfaction have become an important issue in every business organization in the business environment and they play significant role in the performance of the business organization and its corporate image. In this chapter the aim is to describe the each component in the research topic “Impact of Service Quality to Satisfaction of Existing Customers In AIA Insurance Lanka PLC (Life)” by using the available literature. The literature review will be divided into three main sections. First section is on the services, service quality and broad literature on service quality with its dimensions and indicators. The quality can be divided in to two parts and they are product quality and the service quality. This section…show more content…
But there is not much previous literature about AIA Insurance Lanka PLC (Life). This literature review will be considered as the foundation and guide to conduct the research on “Impact of Service Quality to Satisfaction of Existing Customers In AIA Insurance Lanka PLC (Life)” 2.2 Service Quality 2.2.1 Services A services is defined as, “An activity or series of activities of a more or less intangible nature that normally, but not necessarily, take place in the interaction between the customer and service employees and/ or physical resources or goods and/ or systems of the service provider, which are provided as solutions to customer problems”(Gronroos, 2001). Service experience is defined by as the balance between choice and perceived control which depends upon the relative competences of customer and service. Aspects of service experience include core benefit, performance, approaching the service, departing from it, interacting with other customers and the environment in which the service transaction takes place (John, 1998). The followings are the main characteristics of services.…show more content…
Indeed the acknowledgement of customers as co- producers has informed service research its existence and became a key component of the service – dominant logic of marketing when it was first outlined (Vargo&Lusch, 2004). 2.2.2 Service Quality The service quality has been described by many researches in different manner. Under this literature review those definitions will be captured. A solid foundation is defining and measuring service quality was emanated by Gronroos (1984) and Parasuraman (1985). They were among the earliest scholars laid down the foundation for the definitions as well as development of service quality. Defining service quality is difficult as compared to product quality due to some features unique to service including intangibility, inseparability, heterogeneity and perishability (Chang &Yeh, 2002). In presence of these limitations, Parasuraman come up with a comprehensive way of defining service

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