School Violence In Schools

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Over the years, the issue of violence in our schools has become increasingly popular. Violence means the use of force to achieve an end, especially to dominate someone or impose something. Violence, both physical, psychological, verbal, sexual, among other forms of violence affects the academic and social performance of students and even endangers their lives either by murder or suicide. According to psychologist Michele Paludi, the United States is one of the countries with the most mass shootings in schools worldwide. From 1966 to 2012, approximately 90 mass shootings were reported, representing one third of the 292 mass shootings in schools worldwide. During 2010 to 2016 the violence in our campuses increased by almost 20. In less than a…show more content…
A school's arrangement may distinguish and create frames about the proper behavior during the shootings. In the 21st century, with technological advances and with the evolution of our society, schools are not prepared to deal with violence of any kind. According to statistics, 77 percent of students in schools say they are harassed mentally, verbally or psychologically. The country does not find or rather, is not doing anything to stop bullying, which is usually through physical aggression but in recent years has joined the cyberbullying. Most of these cases are not reported but not necessarily out of fear. These are not reported because the correct measures are not taken for this to happen again. It is unacceptable that the actions of an abusive child, who physically or verbally please another, are overlooked. Most schools let the abuser go with a promise that he will not do it again or suspend him from school for a couple of days. However, this does not change anything at all. Those in charge of interfering in these situations are the school counseling systems. Unfortunately, we must admit that these are in decline. The recommended standard for school counseling is not followed as it should be. Ross explains, " In California, we have about one counselor per 1,000…show more content…
Unscrupulous people, who do not mind taking the lives of innocent people, people with a future ahead of them. About 90 percent of these individuals have or claim to have mental problems but this statement may be as true as an excuse for not paying for their crimes. Kotch et al. suggest that the young shooters must be judge as adults without any excuses like the mental illness and / or age because no matter what, they are committing to crime

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