Dental Caries Research Paper

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1.0 Introduction The most common clinical implication in dentistry is dealing with oral diseases like dental caries and periodontal disease in patients. It is important to create awareness on how to prevent these oral diseases in order to maintain the natural environment of the oral cavity. Dental caries is one of the most prevalent disease in the study of dentistry which has become a raising concern. “Dental caries or tooth decay may be defined as a dynamic process causing progressive destruction of hard tooth substance (enamel, dentine and cementum) involving demineralisation of the inorganic portion of the tooth, and dissolution of the organic portion.” [5] It is an infection that is mostly initiated by certain factors such as bacteria,…show more content…
Twice daily brushing with a fluoride toothpaste to prevent and control dental caries and periodontal diseases. Fluoride toothpaste with concentration of 2800 ppm should be recommended since the patient has high risk of caries. The toothbrush used must be small headed brush with soft, round ended filaments, a compact, angled arrangement of long and short filaments and comfortable handle. [9] Thus, the patient needs to replace his medium tooth brush with soft tooth brush. The existing method of tooth brushing can be modified to maximize plaque removal. Horizontal technique can be used throughout the mouth as it is commonly used but should be cleaned on all surfaces. Most people fail to remove plaque effectively from the approximal surfaces of premolars and molars thus procedure of brushing should be repeated on these…show more content…
Fissures prevent food from collecting in molars and, therefore, prevent dental caries. The placement of sealants over carious lesions arrests the disease process and is cost-effective compared with routine restorative care. [14] Restoration Since there were a lot of active caries Glass Ionomer Cement (GIC) restoration was done on multiple tooth. Thus restoration can done on 26, 35, 44 and 46. GIC acts as fluoride reservoir and releases fluoride which remineralizes tooth and restores enamel surface. Composite restoration can be done on 14 which has distal caries. Etchant can be used as etching enamel can improve retention of restorative materials. Bond is used to increase the strength of composite. Composite is then light cured to 11.0

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