Literature Review On Dating Abuse

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"Dating Abuse: What Every Parent Should Know." Caring Unlimited. Caring Unlimited, 2016. Web. 07 Mar. 2016. This website gives parents warning signs to notice if they suspect their child is in an abusive relationship. It expresses the psychological and physical effect that abuse can have on teenagers. It goes on to give the parents several steps to take if their teen is active in an abusive relationship. It goes on to give advice to the parent who thinks that his teen is the one performing the abuse. "Dating Abuse Statistics." Love Is Respect. Break the Cycle, 2013. Web. 7 Mar. 2016. This article contains statistics about how common dating violence is in teenagers relationships. Also, it contains statistics about the long lasting effects of dating violence. It goes on to give the statistics of the amount of people that are unaware of dating violence in young adults lives.…show more content…
National Victims Center, 2003. Web. 07 Mar. 2016. This factsheet contains facts about teen violence. It is aimed towards parents. It expresses how important it is to be aware of their teenagers relationship. Also, it gives the signs that suggest an abuse is taking place. Then, it goes on to give steps for taking action and understanding the situation that the parents child is

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