The Village Economy: The Village Economy In India

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VILLAGE ECONOMY The village Economy is divided in to three categories 1. Primary: Agricultural and allied activities Agriculture and allied activities are the main source of income in Meenangadi. Which includes Agriculture, Dairy farming, poultry and fishing. Around 85% people are working in this sector. Wayanad is very famous for different agricultural products which are cultivated in Meenangadi also. Eg: pepper , coffee etc. 2. Secondary: Small and medium scale industries Secondary source of income of Meenangadi is coming from small and medium industries. Around 10% people are working in this sector. This sector includes small scale industries like food industry, textile industry and medium scale industries like sand mining and timber.…show more content…
12 major and some minor watersheds are also working here. Watersheds are constructed under different schemes like MGNREGA, IWMP(Integrated Watershed Management Programme) and also by the Tribal development department. Even if agricultural sector is the main source of income, this sector hasn’t shown much progress due to various reasons listed below: ISSUES IN THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR 1. Low Productivity of the crops: Due to lack of usage of modern techniques and methods the productivity of crops reduced. 2. Unavailability of labour and cost of labour: Number of people available for working in the field is reducing day by day. The migrant workers from the northern part of India are not able to do agricultural activities due to the lack of knowledge. 3. Lack of scientific knowledge and seasonal farming: Most of the tribal people working in the agricultural sector lacks the scientific knowledge and unaware about techniques like seasonal farming. 4. Lack of water availability: Due to the slopy nature of the land in wayanad the Agricultural sector facing difficulties with the water availability. 5. Type of land and acidic nature of soil: The rocky nature of the land and acidity in the soil reduces the agricultural…show more content…
By effective implementation of these coping strategies , the agriculture sector in the meenangadi panchayath …. The main coping strategies are 1. Precision Farming: In this method before starting the agricultural activity the detailed study about the land,soil and crop will be conducted and on the basis of these results the farming process will do. 2. Preparation of Agricultural calendar and seasonal Farming: Agricultural calendar is prepared with the help of the farmers and Krishibhawan officers. On the basis of this agricultural calendar the seasonal farming started and this helps in the productivity improvement. 3. Watershed and Irrigation projects: Watershed and irrigation projects implemented under different schemes helped farmers in the agricultural sector. 4. Usage of modern techniques: Panchayath helped farmers by providing modern techniques in the farming with the help of Krishibhawan. Many modern equipments are provided to farmers for ploughing, reaping

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