Research Methodology

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3.1 Introduction This chapter will explain about the research methodology that will be focus and discuss on how it will be processed and to be implemented. The research of methodology will be discussed more in this chapter. Methodology is a set of procedure or strategy to build a systematic system. There are several steps that consist in the research methodology. The research methodology is a main part in every project because it will guide the progress of the research with a systematic flow and ensure that the project is well managed. 3.2 Research Approach In this project methodology, the most suitable model to this research is ADDIE Model. ADDIE model is a systematic model approach that is stands for Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement,…show more content…
ADDIE model is use in this methodology because it is more flexible and systematic for this research that is involved in learning process. ADDIE Model is an instructional design model that is aim for educational approach or other design models that is relatively simple model. Generally, instructional design is aim for learner-centered rather than traditional method that is teacher-centered. By using this approach instruction, the effective learning can take place where every aspect of the instruction is governed for the learning outcomes. This instructional design takes five development phases to complete the research including analysis phase for the first process, design phase as the second process, third process is development phase, fourth process is implementation phase, and final process is evaluation…show more content…
3.4.1 Analysis Figure 3.2 below show the analysis phase in the ADDIE model. In this phase, it involves several identifying processes as well as determining problems that are needed to be solved. The analysis is the most important phase where the information is collected and the particular problem is identified. This process involves the analysis towards users, analysis towards learning tajweed and identification of the learning goals. In this phase also the discussion with supervisor had been made to find the mutual agreement to ensure the research achieved the project target. The agreement has been decided and the title for the project research is Teaching Tajweed Using Game Based Learning. The information is gathering from various sources such as journals, thesis, books, articles and trusted website. Analysis phase also identified the problem statement of the project, objective, scope and also project significance. Below is the table 3.2 that show in detail the process in the analysis phase. The expected outcome after done the analysis is to find the solution that can be used in the research project in learning
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