Research Methodology: Research Methodology

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CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Introduction Research methodology refers to the structured process of conducting a research that is central to the collection and analysis of the evidence presented in the study. The pertinent issues discussed in this chapter include the research design, the target population, the type of data to be collected, the sampling frame, the sample and sampling techniques, the data collection instrument, the data collection procedure, the pilot test, validity and reliability of the instrument, the data processing and presentation as well as the analytics techniques used for data analysis. Research design This study takes the form of a descriptive survey design to evaluate whether the competitive strategies adopted…show more content…
According to Mugambe and Mugambe, questionnaires are the most effective, inexpensive and reliable data collection compared to other methods. Thus the study used primary data obtained through a semi-structured questionnaire that had both open and closed ended questions. The questionnaire contained simple questions that the respondents would be able to answer without much difficulty. Moreover, some questions in the questionnaire utilized a likert type scale to aid in data analysis. Secondary data obtained from annual reports for the last five years was also…show more content…
In other words, reliability is the probability of your measurement. A measure is considered reliable if the same or similar results are obtained when a test is administered twice. It is important to note that reliability is not measured, rather it is estimated. However, reliability does not imply validity. This is because, although the results of a test may be consistent, the test might not be measuring the right variable. The validity is used to measure whether the questionnaire is actually measuring what it purports to measure or not. Therefore, validity can be defined as the best available approximation of the strength of our propositions, inferences and conclusions in the study. The researcher used a pilot survey that drew responses from the interviewees on the design and content of the instrument. The researcher then noted the suggestions on the most efficient and practical method of administering the instrument to obtain the best results. The pilot testing was run until the researcher was satisfied with the data collection instruments. Data analysis and

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