Beekeeping Case Study

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BEEKEEPING ACTIVITIES AS SOURCE OF INCOME AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION: A CASE STUDY OF AGHONDI WARD, MANYONI DISTRICT, SINGIDA REGION SAGALI, HERI LABANI A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTERS OF COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (MCED) IN THE OPEN UNIVERSITY OF TANZANIA 2014 SUPERVISOR CERTIFICATION The undersigned certifies that he has read and hereby recommended for the acceptance by the Open University of Tanzania (OUT) a project entitled, Assessing the beekeeping activities as a source of income and environmental conservation: A case of Aghondi ward, Manyoni district, Singida region, Tanzania, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of…show more content…
I do also appreciate the role of the VEOs, WEO, Councilors and Divisional Officer in this exercise for their cooperation, since there is a long list, I thank all of them I should also take this opportunity to passionately thank my beloved family members for their committed love, moral and material support. In particular, I would like to thank my lovely wife Isabela Gerald Mpilima, my children Harrison and Herieth for their quietness and support during the whole period of my study. Finally, I would like to thank my colleagues, friends and relatives for their heartfelt, encouragement and support; however, I remain solely responsible for the shortfalls that may be found in this dissertation. I will lack morals if I do not give glory to GOD for his care and protection that enabled me to complete my studies and particularly this…show more content…
Systematic needs assessment is quite a new phenomenon in the development section. There is an increasing compromise among development practitioners to consider needs assessment as a procedure to identify and measure gaps between “what is” and “what should be” prioritize the gaps, and determine the way to link them. Development projects entail precise, consistent and usable information that imitate the needs of a specific community. The main objective for community needs assessment (CNA) in project formulation is to collect information within the community that can be consumed at the various stages during the project cycle. The process involves gathering the information with the community through application of well-chosen participatory methods and solicitation of various tools. Definitely in relation to the project, documents were obtained from both primary and secondary

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