Quantitative Research Methodology

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Methodology Introduction The research methodology described the geographical area of the study that studies the design and the population sample. Instruments used to collect the data, including instrumental used to maintain the validity and reliability of the described. Research approach and design A quantitative approach has been followed. (Burns and Grove: 1993) define quantitative research as a formal, objective, systematic process to describe and test relationships and examine cause and effect interactions among variables. Survey provides expressive exploratory research. A survey is used to collect original data for describing a population too large to observe directly (Mouton: 1996). A survey is the process of collecting information by…show more content…
The study focus on the increasing number of chronic disease and death among the Sub-Saharan African States. The majority in these states being the marginalized black community. The study population and sample: Burns and Grove suggest a research is characterized by taking into consideration people, objects and events that contribute towards the success of the research. The population sample consists of all adults suffering from chronic and mental diseases how make us of Tele-health services. 99999999999999999999.Mounton defines a sample being a process of choosing and finding out something about the total population that is taken. A convenient sample consists of subjects included in the study because they happen to be in the right place at the right time (Polit & Hungler 1993:176).9999999999999999 The sample sizes of 99999999 were the total size that were willing to participate in the research, However all the participators had to meet the sampling criteria during the 3 weeks of collecting the data for the research. The Sampling…show more content…
Questions were asked to get an understanding of the challenges they’re encountering with getting access to health care, questions on issues with transport, perceptions of people concerning the use of telemedicine to get access to health care. A prototype Information Communication Technology system was carried out for the identification and formalization of the user needs. Local areas were visited to get user’s observed value, from personal and a healthcare perspective. To test the success of the prototype and whether it can be implemented in other countries. Data collection procedure Questionnaires were distributed by the researcher to the patients so that they can complete the questionnaires’’. Four people where asked that could not read or write. The collection of data was collected over a period of 3 weeks. Patients were found across the different health care Centre’s in Sub-Saharan Africa. Reliability and validity Pretesting the questionnaire The aim of a pretest is to identify flaws, when questions are used to gather information, the questions are clear to the subject and an understanding is required from the
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