Qualitative And Quantitative Research Methodology

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This chapter explains the different techniques that have been used while conducting this study. The research methodology defines what the activity of research is, how to proceed, how to measure progress, and what constitutes success. According to Fisher (2007) methodology is the study of a whole academic field. It is a stepping-back from a subject and a consideration of it at a broader and deeper level. Research design relates to the choice of strategy to gather data needed for a study to produce the wanted information (Ghauri et al, 1995). It is a specific framework detailing how the chosen method will be applied to answer a particular research question. The research methodology is a science that studying how research is done scientifically.…show more content…
The philosophical basis and assumptions for both quantitative and qualitative research must be maintained when these methodologies are combined, if the findings are to be meaningful. (Grove, 2005) 3.1 Data Collection Data was collected from different sources. The data collection methods include face-to-face interviews, telephone interviews, personal or administered questionnaires. Data sources can be primary or secondary (Sekaran, 1992). In this study a combination of primary and secondary data were used. The sample size was 63. This population of 63 is subdivided into 4 segments; residents and non-residents walk-in customers; tour operators and corporate market. 3.2 Research Questions Three questions have been formulated for the research: (1). What are the major factors that influence consumer behaviour when choosing the activities? (2). Is there any difference in consumer behaviour in relation with demographic features? (3) Is there any correlation that exists between consumer buying behaviour and nationality of…show more content…
Data have been gathered from past studies 3.3 Questionnaire Design According to Sekaran (1992), good questionnaire design principles should highlight on three areas, first the content and wording, second how the variables will be categorised, scaled and coded after the return of the questionnaire and third , layout and appearance of the questionnaire. The two types of questions in questionnaire design are open format questions or close format questions. The main difference is that open format questions give the audience an opportunity to express their opinions in a free-flowing format whereas close format question are multiple choice questions, and respondents are restricted to choose among any given multiple choice answers. The questionnaire designed for this study, consist both of open and close format questions which will mainly offer realistic data which is much appropriate to obtain a detailed vision into the first objective, with the hope of achieving first-hand knowledge or primary data. The questionnaire (Appendix B) has been

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