Related Literature Review: Sex, Education And Education

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CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter presents the summary of the pertinent related literature that is significant to the study. The authorities and the other are being cited to serve as frame of reference in adding insights and perspective on the study as a whole. Sex. Sex (gender) in terms of economic and financial aspect is becoming even more significant in both national and international phase (Hung, Yoong & Brown, 2013) but there is something put the women into risk factor in terms of financial literacy. Women mostly live longer than men; they don’t have enough work experiences, and the lower earnings also belong to them. These things put women at higher threat than men of having financial dilemma (Weir & Willis, 2000)…show more content…
Higher educational attainment, in terms of standard qualifications, is associated with a range of positive outcomes, including healthier income, employment, and health. Education that offers the essential skills and information has become more significant for the improvement of the society. As the requirements for many jobs and the expectations of employers are rising, it also gives to an expansion of scientific and cultural knowledge, and a population’s educational levels are positively related to economic growth rates and so to a country’s capacity to provide its citizens with a high standard of living. Changes in educational attainment provide information about access to education and the equity of the education system, and serve as a backdrop to current participation and completion rates (Vassiliou & Šemeta, 2012). In addition, it looks that financial literacy to family even for the consumer economic professionals plays an important role. The main concern nowadays as a personal financial management education goes to financial association, the student loan community, financial professionals and educators, and others (Barron, 2003). There are numerous organizations also have established an interest in improving the financial literacy of college students, which is significant for a number of reasons. Obviously, the financial decisions students make in college have an important influence on their financial situation after college (Lycons,…show more content…
Business finance is important because it supports the development and improvement of organizations. It also helps in creation of new businesses, employing of workers, paying of government taxes such as income taxes and without money will positively fail as money is the solid foundation of a business according (2014). Lin (2012) stated that the information reliability between banks and enterprises is that financial institutions may know the operating status and credit condition of SMEs and the banks are keen to support credit or approval of loan applications for SME’s businesses through the proper information. On the other hand, Aldaba (2012) opposed the statement of Lin, that the main reasons for turning down financial requests were the firms` poor credit history, deficient collateral, and unsatisfactory sales, income or cash flow, unstable business type, and poor business plan of the SME’s particularly in smaller ones. Therefore, the main procedures of solving SMEs’ financing difficulty are to conquer the information irregularity in the process of SME financing by instituting successful information mechanisms, the credibility and restraint mechanisms, strengthening the structure of credit evaluation agencies, and promoting the joint exchange of information (Xin,

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