Role Of Statistics In National Development

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INTRODUCTION Governments require information and data for planning, decision making and monitoring of social, economic development and change (J. Akiki Kahimbaam,South Africa south-south cooperation, Statistics South Africa :1 ). This information may be quantitative or qualitative. Different data types require different methods of collection. The aim of this paper is to discuss the role of statistics bureau in development, focusing mainly on the country of Uganda. It points out that no meaningful development can take place without empowering the statistical system. In development, whether national or local, the ambitions of a policy are to attain its goals and to achieve a fair major of success in the goals. So what is Bureau of Statistics?…show more content…
THE ROLE OF BUREAU STATISTICS IN DEVELOPMENT: UGANDA To start off we shall look at the organisational structure in Uganda which is outlined in the Uganda Bureau of Statistics Strategic Plan (2007-2012:4). According to the UBOS (2007-2012:4) the Ugandan Bureau is managed by a Board of Directors, who make policy rules and tactical judgments or rather decisions of the Bureau, and of which reports to the Minister of Finance Planning and Economic Development. The UBOS is led by an Executive Director who is supported by two Deputy Executive Directors in charge of Corporate Services and Statistical Production and Development. There are Directors and Division Managers below whom are Officers at levels of Principal, Senior, Officer and staff as well as support staff. Notice here that in every country( both developed and developing countries), there are different organisational structures developed in way that suits each country to achieve developmental goals; they are not all the same as…show more content…
In this case we shall look at these types but mainly looking at the ones that are used in Uganda as our example to describe how statistics play a role in development. SOCIAL STATISTICS When we talk of social statistics we cover statistics on population, migration, tourism, education, health, gender, crime and last but not least labour. The information on the above listed is either collected through censuses and household surveys or administrative sources. In Uganda there are several other players other than the Bureau that produces social statistics such as the Ministry of Health , Ministry of Education or the Uganda Police Force just to mention a few amongst others. In this essay we shall look mainly at the social statistics that are compiled by the UBOS which are: Migration and Tourism

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