Socio-Economic Determinants Of Poverty In Tanzania

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Research topic: Statistical Analysis of Socio-Economic Determinants of Poverty in Tanzania Mainland. 1.0: Introduction Poverty is a condition of living below a defined poverty line or standard of living (Mtatifikolo, 1994);. Ogwumike (2001) defined poverty as a situation where a household or an individual is unable to meet the basic necessities of life which includes consumption and non-consumption items, considered as minimum requirement to sustain livelihood. At the household level poverty is always measured by possessions index, a composite of household possessions, mainly that of the head of the household, and housing quality. Traditionally, in developed and under developed countries income and consumption have been used as measure of…show more content…
The National Strategy for growth and Reduction of Poverty i.e. MKUKUTA I (2005/2006 -2009/10) & MKUKUTA II 2010/11-2014/15) was adopted by the Government of the United republic of Tanzania was adopted to achieve the MDGs. The main objective of this strategy was to achieve high economic growth and eradication of extreme poverty among Tanzanians. The aim of MKUKUTA II was to translate Vision 2025 and MDGs into measurable broad outcomes. MKUKUTA II has three clusters where the first clusters is dealing with growth for reduction of income poverty, the second is improvement of quality life and social well being which once achieved Tanzanians will have better living…show more content…
To examine the extent to which disparity in education, health, electricity, infrastructures and wealth between rural and urban contributes to poverty level between the households. 1.5: Hypothesis of the study H1: Household poverty is driven by household characteristics i.e. size of the household, Education, Gender, Household Dependence ratio, size of land use, infant mortality, employment status, household consumption, shelter, assets. H2: The higher the dependence on farm activities the higher the poverty level of the household H3: The disparity in social services between rural and urban contributes to rural household poverty 1.6: Significance of the study CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0:

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