Poverty Literature Review

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2.0: Introduction: This part reviews some of the available literature on concepts, theories and previous research findings pertaining to the study so as to establish the theoretical and empirical base of the study. Literature review is conducted in order to update the reader with current development on a topic and forms a base for another goal for future research in the area. It is also used to provide solid background information on the topic of the study. Literature review aims at finding the gap between what other authors have explained theoretically and empirically and what has not been explained. The knowledge gap needs to be established and fitted by the researcher. 2.1: Concept and Measurement of poverty 2.1.1: Definition of poverty…show more content…
In this study it was found that the age of the household head had an important influence on negotiating the control and distribution of resource among households. On the other hand the female headed households were found to be poor compared to those headed by male i.e. female headed households had an average of 33% less income and 43% less consumption compared to those headed by male. Contrary to the researchers’ expectation education level and owning of livestock had no significant effect on household…show more content…
The result revealed that women are at higher risk of being affected by extreme poverty. Female headed households were found to be poorer than male headed households. The household size is also an important factor for determination of poverty of household where the household with seven or more members were poor compared to those with few members. It was observed that the poverty rate in rural and urban areas were 69.43% and 59.32% respectively in households with seven or more members while in households with four to six members had an average poverty rate of 55.2% and 56.18% in rural and urban areas respectively. The study also indicated that in rural areas poverty was predominant to household with aged members which is different from the situation found in urban areas where poverty is lowest to the family with elderly members (over 56

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