Related Literature Review

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Chapter 2 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK This chapter presents the key concepts and theories of the study based on the review of related literature and studies which have significant bearing on the study. It also includes the research framework, the research hypothesis and definition of the terms used. Related Literature and Studies The following are studies discussed and cited as part of the reference materials used as the main related literatures. Age In educational aspect, age is important and to the individual involved. Some are slower and less adaptable as they grew older but tried to compensate for these deficiencies by improving their dependability, stability and quality of work according to Galiza (2003). Sex Sex refers to the two sexes, the…show more content…
Teachers give students what they will need to pass the exams, often referred to as spoon-feeding. They arrange learning in their subject in such a way that students must be actively involved in it. Assessment and learning objectives It is commonly thought that assessment is the most powerful influence of all on how students approach learning in a subject and where they decide to put their energy. So if the assessment tasks reward memorizing and rote learning then that is what students will do in order to succeed in assessment. Higher order objectives are more likely to encourage students to take learning in the subject. Teaching Teaching involves students in active and independent learning. It is more likely to encourage learning in the subject. Choice Students will be more likely to adopt to learning in the subject if there is some element of choice available to them. Where a service subject is being taught, care or should be taken to explain to students as thoroughly as possible why this is the case and what the relevance is of the material or of the…show more content…
Students adopt an approach which is related to their perceptions of the task. The same students can and do adopt either a deep approach or a surface approach to different tasks, and they may even swap between them in the same task. That the same students use different approaches to learning. In Diana Laurillard's study, she found that students changed their approach according to the different demands that they perceived to be imposed by their varied tasks. • Memorization can be a feature of both the surface and the deep approaches, but it plays a different role in each other. All learning assumes some process of remembering. A key distinction between deep and surface approaches to learning is the “memory work” is accorded in each. To the learner adopting a deep approach, different forms of memorization are a means to an important end - that of creating understanding. To the learner adopting a surface approach, memorization is an end in itself. Adopting a deep approach to their studies will be aware of the need to remember significant facts, principles, claims, and arguments and so on, if they are to stake a claim to a terrain of knowledge called their
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