Related Literature Review: Career Planning Among Students

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Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE The review of the related literature for this study focuses on the different studies concerning career readiness, it’s factors, and job mismatch. CAREER READINESS Guidance when it comes to career planning among students starts early on in the schooling of each student. As early as Nursery, Guidance Counselors / Facilitators and teachers orient pupils with different occupations available; and as students transcend to higher levels of education, career education becomes important to help them shape and solidify their career path (Villar, 2014). Different factors affecting a person’s career readiness have been tackled and studied over the years. Some of these are personal (i.e. self-awareness, options,…show more content…
(2015), Cariño-Mattison (2010) and Choi, Kim & Kim (2015) suggests that career intervention should start even before entering college as it is essential to one’s decision making and career development. Other researchers agree with this as engaging students to interventions before graduating improves their academic performance, self-concept and they become goal oriented (Radcliffe & Bos, 2013). In relation with these, group counseling is one of the interventions that experts are looking to when it comes to career education. Rowell (2014) and his colleagues explored group counseling’s help to undergraduate students and if it has relation with their career decision making. Aside from this, internship (On-the-Job Trainings) and proper supervision also encourages the students in the world of work as what Duerden (2014) have found out. Harry, (2015) and Choi, (2012) proposed that gender is a factor in one’s adaptability with regard to his career. The former’s study suggested that females compared with males have higher ability when it comes to adapting, while the latter’s study is in contrast as gender doesn’t influence one’s career maturity. Moreover, Harry and his colleagues’ (2015) study also explored the importance of developing one’s control, commitment and how one perceives challenge and how it can largely affect one’s coping…show more content…
Meeting the skills and abilities essential for an occupational field is one of the major factors that can be seen affecting one’s employability (Menez, 2014). There’s a tendency to hire applicants who are not fit for the job description whenever employers experience a dire need to fill a job vacancy (The Job Mismatch Argument: Squeezing Square Workers Into Round Openings, 2012). A study conducted by Premji and Smith (2012) have concluded that job mismatch can cause damage to a person and his employers if he doesn’t have the required skills necessary to fill the job function. This scenario then results to additional costs on trainings for the employer to develop the essential person needed for the

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