Case Analysis Of Singer Company

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1. Introduction Singer Company is one of the largest consumer durable providers with a leading brand image. The vision of Singer is “To be the foremost appliance retailer in Asia Pacific.” Singer PLC was established in 1877 in a store in Pettah by the founder Isaac merit. During 1963 - 1995 period singer was established around Sri Lanka as a member of the worldwide franchise of singer. They mainly deal with household appliances, kitchen appliances and other electronics. Based on evaluations there is a low rate of profit growth, this illustrates it is important to consider the current trends and key areas neglected in order to obtain competitive advantage to become the market leader. The mini survey we conducted using the secondary sources…show more content…
This rate can be improved further in order to become a market leader. But due to main business problems and threats, it creates impacts in maintaining a positive growth rate of market share, decrease in competitive advantage, losing customers and maintenance of revenue growth. The changing technology and knowledge of the customers will create pathways for new inventions in social media and digital communication, data base management, payment systems and service providing methods. The objectives mentioned below can be easily achieved with less effort through making improvements required to overcome the main business problems and threats. As a result, satisfactory service can be given to the customers than the competitors to achieve the vision of…show more content…
• Directed towards primary objective and can suggest methodologies for the collection of data. Ex: Through online survey and questionnaire. • Provide historical data required such as ex: increase over 500,000 online and mobile user customers due to the implementation of ERP system along with SMS facility. Primary Research- Quantitative Methods Street Interviews & online survey - These methods suits the project since it is a less expensive way of collecting information from existing and non-customers. Street interview can be conducted covering 5-6 main city areas shopping malls, banks etc. This can be conducted with the support of nearly 15 respondents. 5-10 minutes will be taken according to the time available for respondents to provide information and online survey is conducted using 15 respondents through providing an online questionnaire which is cost and time effective. Through all the research methods mentioned above will provide an accurate conclusion required for Singer Company to overcome the failures by making the relevant changes required by referring the research objectives to achieve growth and competitive advantage in

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