Importance Of Natural Resources

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1.5 Natural Resources As the human population grows and our demand for natural resources increases, more and more habitats are devastated. Today, we may be losing 30,000 species a year – a rate much faster than at any time since the last great extinction 65 million years ago that wiped out most of the dinosaurs. If we continue on this course, we will destroy even ourselves. – American Museum of Natural History For last two centuries, general living conditions and human well-beings have significantly been improved. The majority of people leads longer, healthier lives. Ecosystem goods and services like fresh water, clean air, fuel, food, medicine, and timber have strengthened much of these improvements. However, while looking to the cause and…show more content…
Natural resources occur naturally on earth in a natural form. It is often described as the amounts of biodiversity existent in various ecosystems. Some natural resources are essential for our survival while others are supplementary. On the basis of their origin, natural resources are classified in two ways: Biotic – Biotic resources are obtained from the biosphere. Forests, trees and plants, fish and marine organisms, animals, birds and their derivatives, are important examples. Some minerals such as coal and petroleum are included in this category because they were formed from decayed organic (bio) matters. Abiotic – Abiotic resources are non-living things like soil, water, air, ores and minerals, such as iron, gold, copper, silver, etc. On the basis of their accessibility, natural resources may be referred to in the following…show more content…
Many countries protect and preserve natural resources, such as land, water, soil, plants and animals with a special attention to improve the quality of life for both present and future generations. They control natural resources with focus on a scientific and technical understanding of resources and ecology, and the life-supporting capacity of those resources for a long sustainable development. Today air and water, the two essential resources on which all life depends, have become global waste bins. Depletion of natural resources and attempts to restore sustainable developments has been a major focus for governments and private development agencies in recent years. For example, the conservation of rainforest region that holds much of the Earth's natural biodiversity is an irreplaceable genetic natural capital. Others may be conservation of natural resources, natural capitalism, environmentalism, ecological movement, and green politics. Forestry, mining, petroleum extraction, fishing, and hunting are generally considered natural-resource industries; agriculture is considered a man-made resource. Some view the depletion in these resources is the major source of social unrest and conflicts in developing

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