Qualitative Approach The present study adopts the qualitative research method in demystifying the HIV/AIDS epidemic amongst Zulu students in University of KwaZulu-Natal, Howard College. Qualitative research methodology is employed in this research because due to the fact that the objective is to obtain information about a specific social phenomenon (Neuman, 2011). Some Qualitative researches seek to understand the causes of certain social phenomenon (ibid). Consequently, the findings should provide
Question 3: Compare and contrast grounded theory and narrative analysis. Be sure to consider similarities/differences in aims, type of data, procedures and epistemology. Also discuss advantages and disadvantages of the two different methods critically. Finally, comment on some ethical issues that you may have to consider in relation to these methods Similarities Both share the same methodology by employing interviews, observations, document analysis, audiovisual materials and the like. Both
two important herbal drugs and their substitutes. The selection of the studied specimens was based on Bhavaprakasha, an authentic Ayurvedic literature and opinion of some Ayurvedic Physicians was also considered. This work is an attempt to compare and contrast the selected original drugs with their substitutes based on some of their pharmacological activities. The herbal drugs used in the study are Aconitum heterophyllum (Rhizomes) & Semecarpus anacardium (Nuts) and their substitutes Cyperus rotundus
How is the right to a fair trial in relation to the presumption of innocence, protected at the pre-trial stage? The aim of this research project is essential to try and find what makes a fair trial fair, in regards to when a suspect is to be presumed innocent until he is found guilty, whilst delving deeper in the matter of when does the right to a fair trial begin to run. As this can be considered to start either during the hearing of the case or else prior to the trial stage itself. In the sense
Narrative theory relies on the notion of different narrative compositions. It is the determinant factor for the process of narration. In other words, narration occurs because of narrative modes. So, narrative modes and narration are the two sides of the same coin in representing narrative. Narrative subsumes many forms of literary genre. It includes: fictions, ancient epics and romance or modern novels and short stories. Abram (1999:173) states that narrative is found both in prose and verse: “a
quantitative yardsticks for measuring cultural orientations Positives: - in contrast to some frameworks such as Hofstede, the model is based on cultural orientations that are not necessarily dichotomous (that is a high preference for one orientation does not necessarily mean a low preference for the other orientation) – this characteristic may allow a better understanding of cultural phenomena in the area of organizational research - comprehensive - dimensions’ exclusiveness - parsimony - distinguishes
instruction Many study have been done to compare the effectiveness of different teaching approaches of focus on form pragmatic instruction. Mast of them have selected two types of implicit and explicit pedagogical intervention. The distinction between explicit and implicit teaching has been addressed by Doughty (2003). According to her, explicit teaching involves directing learners' attention towards the target forms with the aim of discussing those forms. In contrast, an implicit pedagogical approach aims
You know the benefits a company can derive from it, and you know what kind of business such a system might be. 3 Literature Review In the following pages information on various topics which are involved in the research are provided.It intends to give the reader an overview and background information. 3.1 Product Development "In today's industry, New Product Development is often the focal point of competition. Companies that are able effectively to develop, produce
IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (PAHS 742) SEMINAR QUESTION What is public management? Is it a genuinely new area of academic inquiry, or is it merely an old subject that is being dusted off and recycled? Explain carefully the relationship between the research field of “public administration” and that of “public management”. Is the latter a synonym for the former? Is it a particular kind of specialization within public administration? Does it designate a coherent theoretical and / or methodological approach
conjectured that poor motivation of the workforce is responsible for the seemingly high level of dissatisfaction of the average Nigerian worker as propounded by Bennel and Akyeampong 2007. This underscores the importance of the subject matter of this research Akinmayowa (2006) defined motivation as the will to work and contribute the action to a given process without being forced to do so. According to Ngwoke (2004), motivation has to do with the internal state or mental and psychological set in an individual