Pros And Cons Of Face To Face Learning

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Is online learning as good as face to face learning “Fifty-seven percent of academic leaders rated the learning outcomes in online education as the same or superior to those in face-to face. That number is now sixty-seven percent, a small but noteworthy increase” (Allen & seaman, Going the distance :online education in the United states,2011, November 2011).Many people they prefer face to face learning because they thinking they will get more information and understanding more than online learning. However the others like online learning more because it’s faster and save their time. In this argument essay I will discuss about online learning. Such as, the feature make online learning the best, are learning outcomes in online comparable to…show more content…
Many of people they think online learning is lowest in outcomes than face to face learning. But in the real, online learning outcomes it’s the same or high than face to face learning. “Most chief academic officers rate the learning outcomes for online education ‘‘as good as or better’’ than those for face-to-face instruction” (Allen & seaman, Going the distance :online education in the United states,2011, November 2011). Also other statistic they said the online learning is “universally held “ (Allen & seaman, Going the distance :online education in the United states,2011, November 2011), and increase slowly (see figure 2). Moreover the online learning it has benefits, for example in online learning it has a lot of shows, programs and online course. In addition there are a lot of university and collages in a different country in the world, they make a research they divide student into 2 group. The first group is face to face learning and the other group is online learning. They make this research to show the outcomes of each learning. “Researchers split the students into two groups. One group completed the course in a traditional format, while the second group completed an online component complemented with an hour of in-class instruction each week” (Lytle, 2012). The final result show the online learning is comparable to face to face…show more content…
Time, work, effort, meeting, and learning material are good element to make online learning as good as face to face. The outcomes of online learning are comparable to face to face learning. Also the result shows that online learning its increase by “24.1 percent for the 4-year period “ (Allen & seaman, Online Nation five Years of Growth in Online Learning, 2007). In addition, I would to encourage online learning, because has a lot of advantages that attract student to learn and increase the productivity. And it’s in a continuous
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