Proposal On Fashion Design

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Design is much more than the process of making clothes; it's a scientific art form that involves calculations of execution. The execution of ideas, fantasies, and art. This research proposal will illustrate the significance of fashion and how important it is for a designer to formulate their objectives, and produce it in an orderly manner. The elements of a true designer do not only involve the process of coming up with concepts and sketching on paper; this includes having a very theoretical approach to their craft. A well produce garment, or collection, includes paying attention to detail of the theme of the collection, the fabrics being used to complement the theme, the mood, and the inspiration behind it all. Technological advances have…show more content…
Throughout the research of the concept behind my master's project, I have drawn inspiration from a particular artwork that will integrate old elements with new concepts in fashion. In today’s progressive world, we have noticed a technological revolution of some sort, it has revolutionized all facets of life. From this technology revolution, we have been introduced to various innovations. From social media to touchscreen phones, to GPS, and even home systems that use AI; technology has become a beacon to human beings. With this technology, we have noticed a tremendous transformation in the way that we communicate, work, and even innovate. In the fashion industry we have started to embrace the growing change…show more content…
I want to be able to produce clothing that is unique and accessible in a way. Introduction of technologically driven design is the future of fashion. My hopes for the expected outcome of this project is to produce high-quality technologically driven designs that reflect the ideas of the Renaissance of repackaging old designs into new ones and progressing forward in a world that is controlled by AI software.During my time at RAOA I will learn how to develop my ideas from a sketch into reality. Being in an environment like Antwerp where I have access to many ateliers, museums, and other bordering countries will be of my benefit as all of these elements will help me to become a well-rounded designer, and produce a high-quality master collection. With determination, focus, and a motivating environment I will not fail to succeed at producing a high end and quality line. Working in a city such as Antwerp where it borders technological hubs like Amsterdam, I would reach out to artists, innovators, and other designers to help collaborate on my work during my time

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