Public Health In 1900

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During the mid 18th century, very little was known of public health and medicine. Public health was the health of the population as a whole, especially as monitored, regulated, and promoted by the state. People still believed that God caused diseases, and that there was no scientific explanation to how and why people died from deadly diseases. Moreover, the start of the industrial revolution in Britain had caused many problems such as dirty water and pollution, aggravating the number of deaths. In this essay, I will talk about all the problems with medicine and public health during the 1750’s and how it improved by the 1900’s, this is my analyzation of the essay question. I will be talking about the following topics: Diseases, Sanitation (working…show more content…
The problem was that cities were growing, and as the cities became more populated, the problem only got worse. I will only talk about what the diseases were, how they affected society and who found a cure. I will mention how they found a cure later on, in the influential people section. Cholera was a greatly feared disease at the time. Caused by contaminated water, it could spread with speed and with devastating results. People Symptoms of cholera would include: diarrhea, vomiting and dehydration, which would start to appear from a few hours to five days after the person was infected. At the time, it was assumed that cholera was airborne. Many people felt that cholera was caused by bad air, from decayed organic matter or “miasma.” This theory was then later disproven by John Snow, who came up with germ theory, which helped save many lives. In London it is believed to have killed 7000 during the 1831-32 outbreak, which represented a 50% death rate of those who caught it. Approximately, 15,000 people died in London in the 1848-49 outbreak. The disease usually affected those in a city’s poorer areas, though the rich did not escape this…show more content…
TB affected those who had been poorly fed and were under nourished, and would spread by a person breathing in the air of an infected person, making it easy to spread the disease around, especially in overcrowded cities. Symptoms of the disease were disastrous, like: a bad cough, pain in the chest and coughing up blood. The disease was so deadly that it is believed to have killed a third of all people who died between 1800 and 1850! It wasn’t until 1882, that Robert Koch presented his discovery on the bacterium, and after this, we learnt how to prevent being
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