Importance Of Life Insurance

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Insurance plays an important and crucial role in the world of risk and uncertainties. The insurance sector acts as a vehicle of saving and financial intimidator and also as a promoter for investment securities. It plays a significant role in the economic development of the country by way of protecting the financial status of a person as he was immediate before the happening of the loss and also acts as a contribution in the capital development for the infrastructure of the nation. Insurance is desired to safeguard oneself and one’s family against possible probable losses on account of a particular event. It provides financial compensation for the losses occurred due to happening of any unforeseen event. Insurance is defined as a social device…show more content…
Life Insurance b. Non-Life (General) Insurance Life Insurance is a contract of payment of money in form of clai , to the person assured (or to the person entitled to receive the same) on the occurrence of the event insured against. The payment of amount may be on the date of maturity of the policy or at specific periodic intervals or after death, if it occurs earlier. Periodic payment of insurance premium can be done by the assured to the corporation who provides the…show more content…
MISSION OF THE COMPANY Future Generali’s mission is to be the first choice by delivering relevant and accessible insurance solutions. 1. First choice Insightful and natural action that acknowledges the best offer in the market, based on clear advantages and benefits. 2. Delivering The company ensures achievement striving towards better performance. 3. Relevant Anticipating or fulfilling a real-life need or opportunity, tailored to local and personal needs and habits, perceived as valuable. 4. Accessible Simple and easy to find, understand and use; always available, at a competitive value for money. 5. Insurance solutions Aims to offer and tailor a combination of protection, advice and service. VALUES OF THE COMPANY 1. Deliver on the promise The Company ties a long-term contract of mutual trust with its people, customers and stakeholders; all of its work is about improving the lives of its customers. 2. Value the People The Company values its people, encourage diversity and invest in continuous learning and growth by creating a transparent, cohesive and accessible working environment. Developing its people will ensure the Company's long-term

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