Walter Brey Brin's Influence On Australian Architecture

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To define the question of what constitutes genuine and unique Australian architecture, involves the breakdown of what processes, approaches and upbringing each individual architect goes through. Reflecting on the impactful Australian architecture brought by the renowned practices, the discussion will follow and dissect their individual architectural methodology and outlook towards creating designs which encapsulates their opinions regarding the essence of their surroundings. Despite being raised and cultured in the United States of America, both Walter Burley Griffin and Marion Mahony Griffin contributed greatly to the development of early architecture in Australia. Their introduction and understanding of the Australian landscape was prompted…show more content…
McIntyre’s stance on Australian architecture is further emphasised in the Snelleman House, which also embodies his Post war mentality as evidenced through the buildings’ structure, design and material…show more content…
Australia in need of a design for the capital city, planners, engineers, surveyors and architects across the world pitch in their opinions for the proposal. The Canberra competition offered a unique and illimitable opportunity for a “workable as well as an artistic solution” paving way for the American architects Walter Burley Griffin and Marion Mahony Griffin to introduce their own ideas for the city. The Griffins were the winners of the competition as they were fit all necessary requirements and were believed to be the suitable leaders in the development of the city, “his training fits him for the post. He is accustomed to controlling lines of circulation, to produce convenient and beautiful and orderly arrangements of lines, planes and forms…should be the leading and guiding spirit in Civic Improvement.” Utilising a composition of specialised centres which are positioned in circular, hexagonal, or octagonal street systems in the winning proposal, Griffin also based the triangular compositions on the topography of the site. On both sides of the lakes (refer to diagram), radial accesses and roads link the centres to each other. The “Water Axis” is the Griffins proposal of

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