Personal Learning Goals: Personal And Professional Development Plan

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Part-1: Personal and Professional Development Plan 1.0 Introduction In my understanding Personal learning goals (PLG) are the behaviours, knowledge or understandings that students identify as important to their own learning. They may relate to general work habits, specific subjects, domains of learning, or a combination of these. The purpose of the (PLG) is to assist students to become active participants in the learning process, enabling them to become independent learners, and inspiring them to achieve their full potential. Previous research into the motivation and efficiency of students has indicated that students who set their own working goals tend to achieve more than when working on goals set for them by the teacher. 2.0 My Personal…show more content…
• To have a clear perspective on Professional Values: reason being that public administrators ought to serve with objectivity, impartiality, efficiency, competence and excellence, efficiency. • To be able to understand and internalize the concept of Social Justice: because public administration professionals' exercise of authority and responsibility must be dictated by social equity, fairness and respect for human dignity. • To be able to grasp and internalize the concept of Ethical Values: because public administration professionals ought to act at all times in ways that uphold the public trust. The learning goals listed above are important at this early stage of my professional carrier in public administration because the practice of public administration seeks to serve the public interest and these learning goals are the foundation in which public administration is founded. The more I am able to imbibe and operationalize these values & principles, the more effective I will be as a public…show more content…
4.0 Relationship between my goal, action plan & the requirement for becoming a public administrator. The underlying relationship between my goal, action plan and the requirement of public administration can be understood based on these two perspective; Values and Vision. Public administration has very clear value and principles i.e ethical consideration, social justice, public trust to mention a few. It is my intention to build my professional carrier based on this core values. I cannot agree more with Lencioni Patrick (2002) who unpacked the power and importance of values. He proposed four strategies in instutionalizing value in an organization. The fourth strategy encouraged the weaving of the agreed core values into the operation of the organization. Furthermore, he noted that it is not enough that the core values are handed to employees through an employee manual; but that there is the need to integrate it into the performance management system, hiring process, even the dismissal policy. Though, living by the agreed values is hard, but the advantage of doing so is

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