Result-Based Performance Management System Case Study

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THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING Introduction On the off chance that the present circumstance is not desperately tended to, it might build defilement that may eventually incapacitate the calling of educators. Teachers have always been taught as one of the noblest human beings. Considered as the central figure in the school and a second parent to the pupils. Because of the huge tasks a teacher must perform in order to achieve the department’s vision and mission. Teachers are betrothed in the course of building their identities. The professional identity of a teacher is crucial to the practices, behaviors and skills that teachers show in action, (Prytula and Weiman, 2012). Teachers come in the learning field with professional self-images succeeded…show more content…
Operationally, this refers to the learning teaching process, pupils outcomes, community involvement, professional growth and development, and plus factor described as outstanding, very satisfactory, satisfactory, unsatisfactory and poor. The performance will be based on Result-Based Performance Management System (RPMS). Teachers in Malapatan 1 District. Operationally, these refer to the teachers in Malapatan 1 district who were the respondents of the study. Teaching-Learning Process. The heart of education. On it depends the fulfillment of the aims and objectives of education. It is the most powerful instrument of education to bring about desired changes in the students. Teaching learning are related terms. In teaching-learning process, the teacher, the learner, the curriculum and other variables are organized in a systematic way to attain some pre - determined goal. Pupils/Students Outcome. Defined in terms of the knowledge, skills, and abilities that students have attained as a result of their involvement in a particular set of educational experiences. Community Involvement. Partnerships among schools, families, community groups, and individuals. Designed to share and maximize resource and expertise in addressing the healthy development of children, youth, and their

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