Personal Experience In My Life

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Throughout my life I have been a member of many different academic, professional, and sports teams. However, some of my remarkably fond memories had occurred with only one of them, my High School Swim team. More specifically, the 400-freestyle relay team of my senior year. It was composed of myself, two other seniors, and a sophomore. We had a simple, straightforward goal, which was to land a competitive seed at the District Swim Meet. We knew we weren’t skilled enough to move on to the State Meet, so we came to the conclusion that making it to the District meet was our real, tangible goal. Along with this, we made it our goal to push other members of the swim team to try harder, as we were graduating that spring and wanted the team to do well…show more content…
Luckily, although I had started swimming my freshman year of high school, I was a natural swimmer and was able to pick up the sport quickly. Also, I knew extremely well what my role was in the team. As I mentioned earlier, I was the quickest swimmer for this event, so I was always the lead swimmer in the relay to gain a lead for our secondary swimmer to carry. Even though I was quick and knew what worked best for myself, I struggled with communicating those techniques to others when I felt they needed it. Therefore, I knew my role well but struggled with solving problems within the team’s performance. Furthermore, I was occasionally afraid to give feedback to the other members of the team since they were ultimately some of my closest friends and I didn’t want to hurt their feelings in any way. I can personally say that emotional aid was my greatest strength on this team. I had grown up with one of the members on the relay team, from kindergarten and up. During high school, his father had committed suicide. This catastrophe took an enormous toll on his mental health and I picked up on it immediately. I was supportive and used positive reinforcement effectively for all team members, but for this specific person I would constantly check on him. I spent time with him at school, during practice, and after school, doing whatever I could to help him maintain a positive outlook on

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