Online Education Argument

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Online education has become a popular choice for students to complete their educational goal in modern education. When deciding that taking online classes are right for them, people look at different articles, online forums, online comments, and research studies to get an idea about online education and decide if they should choose to take online courses. Different types of genres all have one common goal to convince their readers that their argument is correct. Having a strong and convincing argument in the paper is important because writers want to communicate their ideas to the readers through using different textual conventions. In this paper, I will analysis two different types of textual conventions, using published information and personal…show more content…
And Is This really the Right Question,” he uses published information to convince his readers that the online education is good. Engaging with or citing other texts is author uses outside research studies to support his argument, and this conventional skill strengths the arguing idea and creates a sense of credibility of his claim to readers. Readers tend to find more interesting and higher credibility of an argument when they see there are evidences from research studies in the author’s paper. An example of engaging with or citing other texts in the article is from the section of Research About Online Education in the article. For instance, the author quotes: “Another notable analysis was published by the US Department of Education in 2010. The Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning: A Meta-Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies found that, on average, students in online learning conditions performed modestly better than those receiving face-to-face instruction” (1). This is a text that the author quotes from an objective review published by the US Department of Education in 2010, this example strongly supports author’s argument that online education is good because, first, this report is published an educational authority; second, the research study supports that some online education courses are better than the traditional education courses. The idea for writers to use this…show more content…
Using personal experience is writing down a personal daily life experience is his or her articles, and it draws people’s emotions and establishes a meaningful connection between authors and readers. Therefore, it helps author builds a stronger argument. In Ratcliff’s paper, author, as a full time employee and a part time student, uses the first person narrative point to describes how taking online courses ease his life and allowing him to take control of his time in both working and studying. For instance, “Having a full time job makes it very difficult to schedule your classes. The hours I have scheduled at my job conflict with the times that most classes are offered. The use of online courses has made life at work asier, since my manager refuses to work around school schedule. Since I don't have to meet on a regularly basis, I don't have to leave my job to meet on campus” (1). Ratcliff uses his personal learning experience to point out the difference between traditional learning and online learning, and taking online courses allows him to focus on work and maintain school work at the same time. This is an example that author tries to convince reader on a personal level; however, when using personal experience in the article to convince an idea to readers, it is important that the author’s background and credibility. If the writer is not a
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