Extended Self Identity

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2.2 The formation of ones’ identity through objects The following literature addresses the relation between humans and possession, which focus on the construction of individual and social identity. In this case, it will observe on how objects construct the possessors’ identity as well as offer them a sense of self-extension, by adopting Jean-Paul Sartre’s theory of ‘having, doing and being’. 2.2.1 Consuming objects in pursuance of personal identity and self-extension In his journal ‘Possession and the extended-self’, Russell W. Belk argues that possession plays a major role in portraying ones’ identity (139). Furthermore, he introduces the concept of ‘the extended-self’, which asserts that ones could use either the functional or symbolic…show more content…
In this case, he further argues that humans are not only existed as individuals but also as collectivities, which is a member of groups, organizations or subcultures (152). Boorstin further states that humans are not solely defined by their individual identity, but also group identity (qtd in Belk 153). In this case, he believes that group or social identity can be constructed by implementing the sharing consumption system among the community members. 2.2.1 The construction of social identity in the context of secondhand consumption The secondhand consumption is not solely implemented through buying and selling activity, but also sharing, renting and swapping (Bostman and Rogers qtd in Belk, 2). In his recent journal, Belk further studied the idea of collectivism identity, which is constructed through the practice of sharing. Based on his study, he asserts that sharing involves “the act and process of distributing what is ours to others for their use and/or the act and process of receiving or taking something from other for our use” (4). In this case, sharing involves more than one individuals and aims to be a communal act that creates a bond and solidarity feeling among one another. Despite of challenging the notion of ownership and individuality, Belk claims…show more content…
Weeks in her journal ‘the value of differences’ argues that when a group of people have a common belonging that differentiates them from the others, it will give them a sense of social identities (88). Furthermore, Henri Tajfel and John Turner supported that statement by indicating the social identity as “the labeling of ones’ self as a member of the group” (2). In comparison with individual identity; which focuses on the interpersonal relationship, the members of a community also attempt to create a positive self-portrayal that elevate their groups’ reputation as well as social-enhancement view (Tajfel and Turner, 284). Therefore, by consuming objects, ones will shape their individual identity as well as their collective identity and both will reflect who they are as an
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