Causes Of Smoking In Indonesia

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The World Health Organization (WHO), in“World No Tobacco Day 2013”, stated that there are more than 1.5 billion smokers and 6 million deaths in the world each year due to tobacco use. Further, smoking causes more illness and a larger number of deaths than any other drug. Unless current trends are averted, the majority of these deaths are projected to occur in the developing world. Smoking is also the major known cause of noncommunicable diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Center for Disease Control (2015) indicates smoking causes about 90% (or 9 out of 10) of all lung cancer deaths in men and women, also about 80% (or 8 out of 10) of all deaths from cardiovascular disease are caused by smoking. Nevertheless, smoking is one of the preventable causes of deaths in the world. It is recognized that, as the life expectancy of societies improve, the prominence of non-communicable chronic diseases, many of which are associated with smoking, will gain greater prominence (WHO, 2013). In addition, most smokers begin smoking when they are in their teens. About 25 percent of all adolescents who experiment with cigarette-smoking become regular smokers, and among the smokers, about one-third will die from a smoking-related health disease (Global Youth Tobacco Survey…show more content…
On one side, it affects public health and contributes to a reduction in the quality of life of the people. On the other side, it is beneficial to the government because the excise taxes fund public health programs. This reality has been shaped by the power of local and multinational tobacco companies on this archipelago of some 245 million people. For instance, most of the musical and art concerts for teens are sponsored by tobacco companies. Moreover, in 2008, PMI (Philip Morris International), the owner of PT. HM Sampoerna (an Indonesian tobacco company), became the market leader capturing 30 percent of the cigarette market

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