Personal Experience In Education

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After the careful consideration from working two days a week assisting in a small classroom of children, I came to the conclusion that becoming a teacher was not for me. I stuck with this job for three more years and while each new year brought more responsibilities and new challenges I am certainly very grateful for the experiences that this has brought me. I know that I have learned more about myself and about how I feel there is a better path I can take where I can better help others. With that said, I can easily make the argument that my time working in a classroom setting taught me more about myself than what I taught the children. I saw that each child had their own voice, but when working in a setting with more children than adults,…show more content…
I find it incredibly rewarding whenever I make progress with any of the children that I work with who are having a difficult time expressing themselves and being understood as easily as their peers. As someone who had a difficult time expressing themselves as a child, it has given me an insight to take other approaches when the first try does not help. I think to approach from different angles, ask questions and look at the problems children are facing from the perspective that I see from personal experience, rather than someone who might not directly understand those emotions first…show more content…
In becoming a Licensed Clinical Social Worker I will gain more experience first hand in getting to see new and different ways of listening, and communicating overall. In going to Rutgers University I further learn how to provide effective ways to help at a university level in the classroom, and in the field. I can build on what I have learned so far to continually grow so I can better help the families that I have already been helping for years. Being exposed to a variety of different cultures like at Rutgers University is very helpful and it will broaden and strengthen my understanding of many other cultures giving me a greater range of knowledge to help children from all backgrounds. I will also gain knowledge from other professionals and being able to assist them, giving me an even greater
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