Frierian Critical Pedagogy Summary

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as we mentioned the intention of present paper is to analyze the general responsibilities and duties of the teachers implied in Frierian critical pedagogy. The responsibility of the teacher is to diversify subject matter and use student's thought and speech as the base for developing critical understanding of personal experience, uunequal conditions in society and existing knowledge. The educational experience of a student arises from the interaction between a student’s past and the present situation and it is the responsibility of the educator to understand the dynamics of the past,present and future interactions in order to construct/facilitate educational experiences which will provide maximum benefit both in the present and future for…show more content…
According to Freire, the requirements for effective and liberatory dialogue include love, humility, faith, trust, hope, and critical thinking (71-74). Freire defends a model of progressive education that is not severed from morality or emotion. Indeed, Freire's passionately persuades his readers that dialogue is "radically necessary" (109) to the successful process of conscientization, humanization and…show more content…
Pragmatism holds that aims of education change with the changing times. Pragmatism stress on continuous education and continuous growth of the child and he is the centre of activity. Students should not be viewed as an empty account to be filled in by the teacher.Teachers should know that students have life experiences and their own knowledge that is the key in shaping their education and learning. The real life situations and freedom are the basis of education. Pragmatism assigns due place to the interests of the child and problem-solving activities. For Dewey, learning was primarily an activity which arises from the personal experience of struggle with a problem. So according to the principles of teachers’ ethics suggested by Friere, there should

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