Personal Essay On Education Is Life

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"Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself" –John Dewey This line was passed onto me by my father who dependably taught me the worth of education. He always addressed me, "Education is life and life is all about learning". This very idea was imprinted in my psyche and I always was inspired towards education. I originate from a family where education was constantly given major importance and we were constantly enlivened never to quit educating oneself. Forming myself with this demeanor, I have always strived to keep myself updated on every part of life. Amid this brilliant excursion I added to an unmistakable fascination in mathematics and physics that led me to pick these two subjects as my majors in my higher secondary. Going out with 93.5 percent of credits in junior college, I was all that much energetic and focused about getting into engineering. We are currently in the midst of a technological and computing revolution that will drastically change our lives and potentially redefine what it means to be human. I am very excited at the prospect of devoting my long-term career to such a dynamic, fast advancing field. Ever since I was…show more content…
Active participation in various student bodies like Entrepreneurship-Cell and Orators club combined with a wide range of activities has ensured the all round development of my personality. The experience of being a part of an executive committee of a student branch, Computer Society of India, brought to the fore my leadership abilities, while also assisting in honing my social skills. I learned to accept both criticism and praise with a positive frame of mind. My work involved organizing various events, that brought with them the opportunity to work and interact with various kinds of people. This was a distinctively gratifying experience for me, which I feel would stand in good stead in the
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