Dominant Discourse

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Dehumanization within the Dominant Discourse Many of the texts we have read in the past centered around the ideas of autoethnography, ethnography and their differences. These terms, as well as others, were introduced by Mary Louise Pratt. These terms can be seen in action through the work of Anzaldua and later by John Edgar Wideman. Although autoethnographic texts are essentially new to readers, the general concept is not. Autoethnographies and ethnographies have a similar feel to that of autobiographies and biographies. The only major difference between the two groups of terms is the fact that autoethnographies and ethnographies pertain to ethics within personal accounts. Both autoethnographies and ethnographies are impacted by the views of the dominant discourse and the other. Wideman’s “Our Time” is a prime example of how the dominant discourse works for and against certain groups. The opening of the essay described African American life in the 1960s. Wideman discussed pop culture among other African Americans and its influence on their lives. In the 60s, it was thought to be lame to follow the rules in order to make money and to get ahead in life. In response to this, many young African Americans turned to outlandish ways of making money and “getting over on the…show more content…
A man by the name of Robby takes over the Narrative and explains another man who they call Garth. The narration switches between Wideman and Robby while they are discussing Garth. Robby begins the story of the robbery and Garth’s death by saying “It all started with Gar dying” (428). It is a good idea to mention that Robby could have started anywhere in his narration, however he chose to begin with Garth’s death. The placement of Garth’s death in the story is significant because it sets the tone for the rest of the text. The remainder of the text shows its true colors pertaining to autoethnography and

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