What Is Pathos By Kyoko Mori School Analysis

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In Kyoko Mori’s essay, “School”, she uses the rhetorical strategy of pathos throughout her essay to attract the audience of her skill in both the Japanese and American paths to schooling. The strong effects of her Japanese origins have led her to accept the fact that there are no second opportunities in life. The use of pathos in Kyoko Mori’s essay let the reader understand how much pressure she has went through. She cites the number of her colleagues in America who would get isolated in their classes, others in Japan really have the wish to learn and get educated. Not getting a second chance may tend to wrong ways of deciding and often doing more mistakes. Kyoko Mori then gives strong ending that issues cannot be taken in way of having…show more content…
By the fact that she shows the contrast between the American educational system and the Japanese one. Her essay’s argument is mainly based on the way each of these school systems is organized and built in a disparate way. Kyoko Mori’s essay is based on logos more than it is on pathos or ethos. Mori shows the idea that educators in America think that they really should aid the students who face difficulties, while the ones in Japan do not really exert their effort to care about helping a student. Hence, she tries to persuade the readers that they are not obliged to follow the Japanese school system. However, I think that Mori’s essay is successful and really perceptive. She discusses her opinion based on her experience and the two distinct routes she went through. Even the way she discusses the problem that students faced was so effective and let the reader understand the message she was trying to send. Moreover, Kyoko Mori provided her essay with distinct perspectives on a common subject that we all, in one way or another, faced in our

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