Persepolis Reflection

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One of the hardest conundrums in today’s literary world continues to be the lasting debate between purists and un-conventionalists, the domain of comics, or in more sophisticated and less ‘labelled’ term, Graphic Novels. As children growing up in a largely DC vs. Marvel dominated world, our immediate associations to the phrase ‘pictures in a book’ is a group of hyper-masculine men fighting the cruel world of humans. However, Marjane Satrapi shatters these boundaries with one prominent work, not a fantasy of women superheroes saving the world, but a quiet memoir that makes the loudest sound of all. Persepolis, a series of two beautifully drawn graphic novels is perhaps the most eminent book to combine a multiplicity of issues into one passionate length of art. Originally published between 2000 and 2003, Persepolis follows Satrapi as she carefully traces important features of her troubled childhood that occurred with the Iranian Revolution of 1979. Following the fall of the monarchy, Satrapi and the entire country of Iran expect to find some changes, especially to humanitarian causes. However, disappointment and oppression forced young Marjane to move to Vienna where she could study in peace. Marjane Satrapi draws with a deft and quick illusion, her childhood portrayed with the hand of a curious kid. Though over half the chapters…show more content…
But each picture tells a different story, metaphorically and literally. With high inking and deep contrasts, she evokes a mystery that can never be explained with words of any sorts, an enigma that is felt with your eyes. The iconic characters she developed, such as her headstrong mother and surprisingly the most liberal person in the entire her book, her grandmother further adds glory to her story, giving precious advice that helps us the deal conflict as a nation and a

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