Gibbs Reflective Model

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This reflective writing will explore the main concept of patient care in terms of my personal feelings and experience. I will reflect how I was able to treat the patients who were suffering from severe pain in surgical ward at the time of my duty. For this approach, I will be using Gibbs reflective cycle as guide in my analysis. As Gibbs reflective Cycle is one of the most famous and used model of reflection that consist of size steps including description that describes the facts of the case and situation along with what happened when incident occurred (Quinn, 1998). In my case, I had the responsibility of dealing the patient who was admitted and managed in pre-operatively process due to intestinal obstruction. Second step relates to feelings…show more content…
After asking various queries I was able to build a good relation with the patient. I was then involved mostly in the management of Mr. X, including assessing, monitoring important signs and recording them with correctly. From past medical history of Mr. X; I came to know that he was at first admitted to the hospital in the year 2009 for hernia repair and was then discharged. At present he was being treated for having small intestinal obstruction that is the major side outcome of adhesions that might occurred due to hernia repair (Manion& Brennan, 2012). then for learning more and to get further knowledge, I enquired several question from one qualified nurse and where she informed me that taking care of patients with intestinal obstruction needs great deal of nursing abilities and skills. As patients that are suffering from small intestinal obstruction become physically as well as psychologically dependent on others and as a nurse it is important to be aware of such facts. A patient in such situation reacts differently and more aggressively to know that they are acutely ill. I was the informed by the ward sister some of the main factors that must be taken under consideration while managing a patient with bowel barrier along with the vital signs and presentation symptoms including fluid,…show more content…
X had a surgery for hernia repair and after a year is will now undergo with another surgery, he remained courageous and in a good spirit. The entire process from when I visited the ward for the first time and when Mr. X called me while complaining about his severe pain till this stage, it has been very educating and eventful at the same time for me. For managing acute pain Mr. X was given morphine. These contain intramuscular opiates and analgesics. Using morphine was the drug of choice in dealing the acute pre-operative pain of Mr. X. although there are various advantages that suits well for managing small intestinal obstruction including its effect on reducing down the motility of gut (White, 1988), which works well in small intestinal obstruction case, it causes vomiting and nausea as certain side effects occurs because of stimulation and direct action of chemoreceptor trigger zone of the brain. However, anti-emetics were suggested for counting the effect of vomiting and nausea, the impact was not deep due to which it caused further delay in the process of

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