Multidisciplinary Team Meeting Analysis

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In this reflection paper I will be discussing the importance and the overall process that is used to conduct a multidisciplinary team meeting. The multidisciplinary team meeting that I observed meets each day to review the care of each client currently admitted and any pending admissions each day. The reflection paper will include how the multidisciplinary team member uses discussion and work together for the benefit of the client. The paper will also include my evaluation, feelings and observations during and after the meeting was concluded. The purpose of the multidisciplinary team meeting is to have a variety of trained staff members involved to ensure the highest quality of care is given to each client. The multidisciplinary team also…show more content…
The encourager and problem solver of the multidisciplinary meeting was the activities coordinator. She provided the group with different options when the group seemed to hit a road block and was always thinking of different options. The compromiser in the multidisciplinary team meeting was the ARNP physician due the fact when there were two suggestions provided she would merge the two and come up with a compromised solution that was still appropriate for the client. The task roles of that were observed during this multidisciplinary team meeting were the leader, facilitator and the initiator. All of the task roles that were observed were provided by the charge nurse. She was a leader by making sure the multidisciplinary group was focused on the patients, limited interruptions and remained positive, when negativity was rarely shown. She was a facilitator by making sure the group stayed on task especially when the group got off topic. She was the initiator by starting the group discussion and giving an overview of the client’s current…show more content…
The information that needs to be discussed in a small amount of time makes the increasing need for the group to stay focused. The group size is just right to facilitate the much needed focused conversation and with more people may be distracting. The only change I wish could be made is that the mental health tech could be involve because she has increased contact with patient and I feel could provide valid information, but I understand that client care is a necessity. I hope to observe more multidisciplinary meetings to gain knowledge and better contribute to the meeting when it is
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