The Importance Of Organizational Learning

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In today’s volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) world, for organizations to remain competitive, it is imperative for them to actively create a learning process within their organization. Organizational learning is the deliberate practice of gathering information, reflecting on them, and sharing the findings to improve the overall performance of an organization. It will effectively help an organization in their overall management and operations through the process of creating, retaining and transferring knowledge within the organization based on experience. In addition, this must happen throughout the hierarchy and not just within the lower management. Hence, this skillset will remain within the organization even if individuals…show more content…
Such factors include resistance to change, which may be due to disparities between the organization’s culture or values, a strong focus on individual achievements rather than overall team success, or a short-term focus on organization’s objectives instead of long-term focus ( Although there are many such factors affecting an organization, personally, I feel that the learning approach adopted by an organization is the crucial factor. Basically, there are two types of learning within organizations and they are single-loop and double-loop learning. Single-loop learning is the process where individuals or organizations alter their actions when the expected and achieved results varies from one another. For instance, when something goes wrong or do not turn out the way we expected it to be, we will usually find solutions to overcome the problem while keeping within governing variables, such as the organization’s values, beliefs or objectives. On the other hand, for double-loop learning, apart from the same processes as single-loop learning, it also questions the underlying causes behind the problem. For example, we may question ourselves, why, and what causes such issues to arise when things do not according to plan. Hence, in double-loop learning, we are…show more content…
An example would be not being able to wake up on time for school every morning and the immediate solution by single-loop learning is to sleep early the night before. However, despite doing so, you will soon realize that it is not helping at all and this resonates well with me as I am also not able to wake up on time despite sleeping early too. Therefore, by using double-loop learning, we question what exactly is the underlying issue based on our personal values, goals or beliefs, and the main reason for me is because I dread waking up as there is nothing for me to look forward to. Thus, by changing my perception, I would then be able to solve the root causes and wake up on time for
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