Pedestrian Activity

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b. IMPROVING THE PHYSICAL IMAGE OF COMMERCIAL AREAS The physical image of commercial areas is majorly affected by the amount of vehicles in the areas. Aside from the effects of indiscriminate use of traffic and commercial signs, a pedestrian’s perception is disputed by the sight of vehicles in perpetual motion. Once traffic has been banned from a street, the real character of the street can be brought back into focus. Repairing, lighting, landscaping and street furniture all add to the safe, attractive and efficient environment. c. PRESERVATION AND ENHANCING HISTORIC DISTRICTS In many cities, traffic free zoning has been used as a conservation measure to restore the unity of historic urban fabric. 2.4.4 SOCIAL BENEFITS There are…show more content…
PROVIDING SPACE FOR PEDESTRIANS Pedestrian activity has more scope and complexity of movement than any other form of transportation. The unpredictable and imaginative movements of people cannot be handled by simple linearity of most streets. “high quality spaces” are the ones which give the greatest range to pedestrian activities. An environment free from the restraints imposed by traffic can begin to offer- unhampered movement, social amenities and comfort to pedestrians. b. ENHANCING THE SOCIAL IMAGE OF THE CITY Visitors and residents alike are affected in their image of the city by the existence or non-existence of pedestrian activities. Urban spaces often represent an entire city. These are places with a constant stream of people and activities. For centuries, plazas and squares were places where people gathered for various social purposes including public meeting and political rallies. Today, their equivalent is a traffic free district. c. IMPROVING PEDESTRIAN…show more content…
In the beginning of 1960’s, Norwich experienced the clash between pedestrians and automobiles. The congestion was most severe along London street, the main link connecting the city hall, the market place area. Many commercial vehicles used the street as a short-cut through the centre, making its narrow sidewalks dangerous for pedestrians. It was then, that the planners decided to ban the traffic on the London Street. FIG 3.4: MAP SHOWING THE PEDESTRIAN STREETS OF NORWICH Initially, the ban was temporary, while numerous discussions were held with the merchants along the street. The permanent conversion of the street took place only after the traffic ban proved advantageous. Servicing presented some problems in the beginning as the shops could not be serviced from the rear. But now, goods are delivered by handcarts at a maximum distance of 40m from the cross streets. Closing London street created a pedestrian district in the commercial heart of Norwich. As a result of pedestrianisation, the sales have increased from 5 to 20%. The general environment of the street has

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