Addiction In The Secret Life Of Bees

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VR- Make a Prediction While reading through the first chapter of The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd, we are introduced to the main character, 14-year-old Lily Owens who is stuck living with a bitter, cruel, abusive “father” who she calls T.Ray. T.Ray is anything but a loveable, caring father to Lily, having not one care in the world for her. Aside from her housekeeper Rosaleen, she has been alone with him since she was 4 years old due to a deadly incident with her mother. A conclusion was drawn that young, clueless Lily was the one who pointed the gun at her mother and shot her, but there are pieces of the story that can connect and lead to different endings. Little pieces of that day were drilled into Lily’s memory, but the whole picture…show more content…
There are various possibilities of how Deborah actually died. Many of them leading back to T. Ray, the “Thomas Edison of creating punishments." He would find any reason to punish Lily, and that is exactly what he has done with his wife Deborah’s death. Lily never remember pulling the trigger, but constantly, T. Ray wanted Lily to believe that she was the one who in fact pulled it. He wanted her to know for sure that she killed Deborah and he wouldn't let her believe any other story. He screamed and cursed at her at this time, but what if Lily didn't do it? What if he was yelling at her for no reason, when he should be the one geting yelled at? What if T. Ray was the one who killed Deborah and put the blame on the little Lily because nobody else would know the truth but him? What if he just wanted to punish Lily for his own actions so he wouldn't have to worry about consequences towards him? Being the cruel person that he is, there is no doubt in my mind that T. Ray could be lying about this whole death situation so he could get out of the trouble. He wanted Lily to believe what she was saying isn't true because he didn't want her to remember him causing the death of Deborah. He would make up his own story in place of the real one, putting all the blame on his daughter and all the evidence and blame off of his hands. Therefore, learning more about T.Ray and the true character he is as well as all the background information Lily stored in the back of her head, I predict that later on in the book we will figure out that T. Ray was guilty in pointing and shooting the gun at his innocent wife, ending her

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