Value Chain In Grand Cinema

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A value chain is a network of value-creating activities. This model developed for describing various activities done to create a finished product or service and its activities to support the creation. It can help the analyst understands the business process and elevated the information systems. Primary Activities Its consist of the elements that are necessary for adding value and create advantage in business. The first activity in the value chain is inbound logistics, which mean receiving material and store it for production. In the Grand Cinema inbound logistics are obtaining movie that suit the customers using the research of statistic. In the process, not just contacting with movie distributor is important, but food and beverage supplier…show more content…
Procurement is the first activity in support activities that is about resource organization. For the Grand cinema movies are necessary resources, start with making contact with movie distributors that include price bargaining and planning about advertising, show dates according with other products that come with the movie. Maintain the quality of cinema is considered to be very important so obtaining the various types and famous movie can keep the customer to be satisfied, keep track about customers’ preference to always be in a choice of the customers. The second activity is technology development, this activity related to managing and protecting information of the company and minimizing the disadvantage to maintain the value creation. Currently Grand Cinema is developing this part. Grand Cinema had been lack of…show more content…
The Grand cinema’s HR managements are hiring new employees, provide basic training and information to employees, rewarding good work employees, prepared them to solve unexpected problems themselves and train about mood and manners. Hiring new employees, focuses on hiring the new employees when there are employees out, to make the work to be smooth as it always is. Providing the employees required information and training so that their performance will reach the expectation of the company and good enough to service the customers. Give reward to good working employees, this will make the employees to be motivated and work harder for reward. Teach and train the employees to make them be able to handle some unpredictable situations and can make a decision properly, without any helps from manager, this provides them to be more confident when they have to deal with customer themselves. Train the employees about mood and manners. It is important that the employees must provide a great service to the customers by doing some good expression such as smile and greeting, politely ask for the customer need or even guide them, they have to do it

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