Outline On Welfare Outline

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I. Introduction a. More than 153 million Americans are receiving welfare such as food stamps, unemployment, and child support. b. History of the issue: Discuss the increasing numbers of people over the years and the number of people who are on welfare and using welfare to help them abuse drugs. c. Thesis: People who can afford drugs can afford other bare necessities they need. II. Main Point #1: I believe that the tax money we pay should not be used to encourage drug abuse. If drugs can be afforded in a household so can food and other necessities. a. States that are currently drug testing people on welfare. b. States that want or are passing laws to have it in place. III. Main Point #2: States should come up with different methods such as screenings…show more content…
List states that are using screenings. b. Different types of screenings being used. c. Discuss how many people receive welfare in states that have screenings as opposed to those who do not. IV. Is drug testing expensive? A. Our tax money shouldn’t be used to fund drug abuse. B. If states drug test it may help keep people from applying to welfare and could force people to go out looking for jobs instead. C. If the government starts saving money, they can put that money to better use such as, building more welfare programs to help assist people and to help people come out of welfare and learn to stand by themselves. V. Americans might accuse the government that drug testing is unconstitutional and abuses their fourth amendment; but we have to take drug tests to get hired, welfare recipients should in return take one to receive welfare. a. People are becoming more and more dependent on the government. b. Even though it may seem that not many job positions are open at times, people shouldn’t rely on drugs to help them get through difficult times and then in return ask the government to help them buy their necessities. c. There are plenty of rehab centers that are more than happy to help people recover from drug…show more content…
3. Pollack, Harold A. "Key Research Findings." SAPRP:. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2015. This source will be used to explain the amount of women who are on drugs and abuse welfare versus those who do not have any kind of assistance. 4. "Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients and Public Assistance." Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients and Public Assistance. N.p., 27 July 2015. Web. 11 Nov. 2015. This source will be used to explain the states who already have drug testing in place and those who are trying to pass laws to have it in place. 5. Huff, Ethan A. "Welfare, Food Stamp Recipients Could Soon Be Required to Get Microchipped with RFID Tags." NaturalNews. N.p., 5 Feb. 2013. Web. 11 Nov. 2015. This source will be used to tell about different types of screenings such as biometric screenings and RFID chips that could be put in place to help avoid welfare fraud. 6. Pollack, Harold A., and Peter Reuter. "Welfare Receipt and Substance-Abuse Treatment Among Low-Income Mothers: The Impact of Welfare Reform." American Journal of Public Health. © American Journal of Public Health 2006, Nov. 2006. Web. 11 Nov.
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